Domain Name Registration - Assisting your Online Marketing with Domain Names

The humble domain name is a very important step in your online marketing activities, normally derived from your business name, there are actually many considerations when it comes to the choice in your domain name registration ... and we would like to also have you think about not just the one domain, but look towards a multi funnel approach to driving targeted traffic to your business by registering multiple domain names.

Search Engines take your domain name into consideration as the primary source of keywords to indicate what your business or service is about. The TLD (Top Level Domain) also provides information about locality or region. For example a domain name will inform the search engine and users that the website is servicing primarily the Australia public.

Since the importance to search engine visibility relies on a suitable domain name, this is where Search Group can assist you in researching suitable options, providing suggesting based on appropriate research and guide you to making an informed decision to benefit your marketing approach, then perform a domain name registration.

Be careful of abbreviations or acronyms with your domain name, as these shortened versions generally don't contain keywords firstly, so don't help search in that manner, or can also cause other conflict issues as the abbreviation may be confused or associated to other things non related to your own business!

It is feasible to use additional domain names to capture focus areas of your business in the online space and funnel these through to a dedicated micro site about this area in your business. A lot of a time a business with many different areas that they service or represent creates a diluted approach, where as the creation of a focused approach such as a micro website on a key area ensures a more targeted approach around the content and user expectations that match and lead to better conversion. This approach also increases your online footprint creating more visibility in specific industry channels and hence more traffic and hopefully more conversions!

Please feel free to talk to our online marketing advisors for more ideas.


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